Book – It’s Okay To Be Different
Author – Todd Parr
Published by Little, Brown & Co in 2001
It’s Okay To Be Different by Todd Parr is a reassuring book that teaches kids to be happy and confident about who they are.
It’s okay to need some help.
It’s Okay To Be missing a tooth
It’s Okay To have no hair
It’s Okay To wear glasses
It’s okay to be a different color.
It’s okay to talk about your feelings.
Todd Parr, with his wit and wisdom, delivers a very important message of acceptance and understanding in this book. He teaches children that it’s okay to be different. No one is the same. It doesn’t matter what skin colour they have or if they have long hair or short hair, etc, each child is unique and it’s okay to not be like everyone else.
The storyline includes a kangaroo with a dog in her pouch and addresses themes like, “It’s okay to eat macaroni and cheese in the bathtub”. Each page tells little readers that it’s okay to be or to have or to do something different.
It is a good book to explain kids about diversity and multiculturalism in a simple language. The bright illustrations, colourful characters and silly themes are fascinating and sure to grab their attention, making the book easy and relatable.
I often use the storyline of this book to ask my kids if they know any kid or friend who resembles the characters mentioned in the story. And it serves as a good starting point to explain them how to embrace the differences in the world around them and how to celebrate their own individuality. In simple language kids can be explained how they should love themselves for who they are and also how they should be kind to others.
Books can be a great medium to encourage early literacy in kids. Even the most tough concepts can be taught to via simple stories. And this specific read is one of them. It is a great pick to boost their self-confidence along with imparting basic values of respect and kindness for all.
This post is a part of Blogchatter’s A2Z challenge – #BlogchatterA2Z on the alphabet ‘O’. My theme for this challenge is ‘Books for Kids’. You can find all 26 posts on this topic under the hashtags #themomsagas_books on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.