The Launch Of New Johnson’s Baby Care #ChooseGentle
One of the well known brands in the baby skin care industry that needs no introduction is Johnson’s & Johnson’s. It has been a brand of ‘generations’ – tried & tested by moms across the world since past 125 years.
I have myself been a Johnson’s baby and I clearly remember the typical aroma of its products that were a part of my growing up years. In fact those days and even now, most babies Johnson’s babies smell the same. Isn’t it?
When I became a mom, the only brand that came to my mind for my kid’s skin care was J&J. However, I was advised by many close friends and family not to use the same because of the various controversies around it. Frankly, as a new mom who was vulnerable to such news and had zero time in hand to research more about it, I gave in. I didn’t choose Johnson’s products for a good 1 year. At the age of 1.2 my girl started facing sleep issues and I remember my doctor advised me to follow a bedtime routine for her. At that time, she recommended me to use Johnson’s Bedtime Baby Bath. Coming from a reliable source that of a doctor I thought to give Johnson’s a try and I was amazed by the product. Not just did it help us get rid of the sleep troubles but its unique lavender fragrance had a supremely calming effect on my girl. The wash worked wonders for us and I couldn’t be more impressed by it . With this product I could place my trust on the brand again and gradually move on to try other products as well like Johnson’s Tip-to-Toe wash and Body Lotion. Since then there has been no looking back!

Recently I got an opportunity to attend the launch of the completely transformed and New Johnson’s for the new generation. I was invited by the team Babychakra to be a part of the #ChooseGentle event organized by Johnson’s Baby India in Mumbai. For those who don’t know, Babychakra is an award-winning platform for parents in India that connects mothers with experts and childcare services to guarantee a happier and healthier parenting experience.
It felt like an honor to be among the first bunch of moms to witness and try the New Johnson’s that’s all the more mild, pure and 100% gentle. Yes, Johnson’s has evolved to suit the needs of changing times and meet the latest standards of science. Isn’t it amazing to see a baby care brand that believes in being ahead of its times and simply provide the best to its consumers?
The new Johnson’s is well-researched, clinically proven and all the more gentle – not just from inside but also outside.
Here are some impressive facts about the New Johnson’s
- Doesn’t contain dyes, parabens, sulfates, pthalates.
- Is transparent and visibly pure
- Meets the highest IFRA Fragrance Standards
- Passes 4 skin allergy tests and is clinically proven mild
- Has been tested by 5.5 lakh people globally
- Has passed 8000 clinical assessments globally
- Has better packaging with safety locks that’s easy to use even with one hand
About The Event
The #ChooseGentle event was highly informative and helped us moms understand the brand better. As we were introduced to the new range, we were also explained in detail how it’s different from the previous one. There were experts from the team telling us about the ingredients used in various Johnson’s product and how they undergo multiple tests and assessments to meet the highest standards of safety.
And it wasn’t just limited to information being passed, we also got a chance to perform some first-hand experiments to test these products. We performed 2 tests – one to check the pH balance of the Johnson’s shampoo and other to check the non-sticky lotion and how it gets absorbed in the skin quickly. The results of both the tests proved that Johnson’s products are safe, mild and suitable for the sensitive skin of the child.
The highlight of the event was the Q&A session with the experts wherein we moms got a chance to ask all our queries and doubts about Johnson’s products and their level of safety. To my surprise, the team from Johnson’s didn’t hesitate to answer even the most controversial questions about their latest lawsuits and rumors of their products being carcinogenic. In fact they nullified each and every rumor and shared all the pertinent details about their key ingredients to assure moms that they are hundred percent safe and FDA approved. It was good to know that J&J has never paid any fine on any litigation and every time they appealed to higher court, the case got dismissed due to lack of scientific and clinical evidence.
The event also marked some fun and entertainment as we moms got to play a few games and connect with each other. We played Bingo and our team of bloggers from Babychakra even won a hamper.
You can imagine the vibes and energy shared in a room where renowned influencers from different cities were gathered and made to interact with. For me, it was an exciting time to meet fellow blogger friends whom I knew so well virtually but never got a chance to meet personally. And I couldn’t thank team Babychakra and Johnson’s Baby India enough for the opportunity.
The #ChooseGentle event was enlightening in many ways. Not just did I get to educate myself about the science behind Johnson’s products but also understand the overall philosophy and the mission of the brand that believes in closely working with mothers, knowing their concerns, accepting their feedback and constantly improvising to provide them the best.
Well, I am supremely excited to try the new Johnson’s. What about you? Share your views in the comments below.
Also read: Tips To Ensure Right Nutrition For Kids
I have always loved products made by Johnson & Johnson. It is the worlds most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products. you had a great time there
Oh yes. I had a great time at the event. And you are right, theirs is the most comprehensive range! Totally love it.
This is too Good… Johnson is the best
What a fun event, wish I could’ve been a part of it as well. Great to know that you had a nice time. Johnson’s products are always great for kids ??
I was a little worried some time back when my daughter was younger as there was talk here in Australia that Johnson products were not safe? I now buy their powder that doesnt have talc in it and its great and safe to use. I also love their tear free bath wash ?
Really great. It seems you enjoyed the event and me to stop jnj when I heard a lot of controversies but it reading your post. I think I should switch back to jnj
Johnson and Johnson has been such a classic brand. It’s been there for decades and so many families trust them. It’s good to see they have expanded their range. I even remember using Johnson bar soap for myself when I was in my teens .
Sounds like a great event Good to see the R & D that has gone into the new range JOHNSON AND JOHNSON is a trusted brand
Johnson’s has always been a favourite… And with their new and safer edition, I am sure every mother would love them! ❤
We have always enjoyed Johnson lavender baby bath! And lotions. It looks like a great event that u enjoyed!
I think it was a great event and you all moms enjoyed a lot. J&J is something that doesn’t need any introduction. I must say, you mums are lucky that you have got the chance to try their product first. Hope this new range will be more gentle and work more good on baby’s skin.
I have also been a Johnson baby. Good to know u had fun.
So glad to know that j&j havr changed with time. We grew up on j&j and all of a sudden when I became a mom I was told to use some other brand. Now this is a satisfying reply by the brand to the gossip mongers.
Amazing event of Johnson and Johnson. J &J is so classic brand and great range of lotions. When I was kid my mother only prefer Johnson products. Great thoughts.
Johnsons has been a household name for ages, will check out their new range. The event seems to have been a really fun day.
Its good to see they are paraben free and has passed all allergy tests. As moms, we always want the gentlest care for our babies.
Glad to learn more about J&J through this post. Indeed they are one of the mostly used brand by the parent
Johnsons baby products are really good. I am sure this event was an amazing one. Their new ranges are good.
Wow, thank you for this post because I was actually wondering what was going on with the buzz on J&J. I had been hearing stuff and I am so glad that you cleared my mind. Thank you for the great information on them ; )!
We love Johnsons products and it is good for any mom to experience the product they have trusted always.
So lovely to know about the new range of Jand J products.I too take a lot of care for my baby products.
Undoubtedly JnJ is the most trusted and widely used brands all over the world when it comes to baby care.
Congratulations on being invited for the event.
Thank you ?
That’s a nice step from Johnson, I just cabtc wait to try this new range
Love the most gentle and mildest product in the baby care segment. I have been a Johnson’s baby myself and was more than happy to make my baby one too. The skin just feels fabulous and the fragrance is very mild.
It gets tiring to choose the right baby care products for my child since her skin is so sensitive. I stumbled upon this brand Maaté, that makes 100% natural baby care products, to suit the delicate skin of every baby. Do check out the amazing products here