I had a high-risk pregnancy with twins and so was put on a bed rest all through. The only way I could sail through that span of nine months, without losing my sanity, was by reading and reading more. Reading books on twin parenting can help you in a major way to prepare for a completely new and different life with twins.
Even now on days when I feel I am totally incapable of handling twins, I resort to reading books/e-books and they surely help me gain more perspective on my situation. Honestly, all twin parents sail through the same boat. The challenges and struggles faced by them are broadly similiar, the intensity may be different. And so reading experiences of fellow twin moms surely help in a great way to gain some insights and feel more confident about one’s life.
In this post, I have compiled a list of some helpful books on twin parenting. If you feel your life with twins is challenging, I would suggest read some of these books. They will not just help you gain some tips and tricks but will also make you feel that you aren’t alone in your journey.

Raising Twins: Parenting Multiples from Pregnancy Through the School Years by Shelly Vaziri Flais
Authored by a pediatrician who also happens to be a mom of twins, this book offers important information coupled with insightful personal experiences on parenting twins. From pregnancy to potty training to the stage of pre-schooling, this book covers various aspects on twin parenting and offers advice that you would find most practical and relatable.
Juggling Twins: The Best Tips, Tricks, and Strategies from Pregnancy to the Toddler Years by Meghan Regan Regan-Loomis
Packed with a bit of humor and lot of information, this book by Meghan shares ‘twin-tested’ tips and tricks to help parents survive and thrive with multiples. If you are looking for fun and light read, yet equally insightful you must check this one out.
What to Do When You’re Having Two: The Twins Survival Guide from Pregnancy Through the First Year by Natalie Diaz
Natalie, the founder of Twinversity and a mom of twins, offers a definitive how-to guide to parenting on surviving through the first year with twins. From covering hospital checklist, to sleep schedule to building one-on-one relationship with each kid, the book is a comprehensive read answering almost all the questions that a parent of twins may have.
Twins 101: 50 Must-Have Tips for Pregnancy through Early Childhood-. By Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin
If you are looking for some useful tips, stories and advices on managing life with twins, grab your hand on this book that’s written with a unique yet relatable perspective. Authored by an expert pediatrician and a mom of twins, the book offers well-worded insights, well-researched information and practical advice that will make you feel empowered and more confident as a parent of twins.
Dad’s Guide to Raising Twins: How to Thrive as a Father of Twins by Joe Rawlinson
Here’s one for the fathers of twins. Rawlinson’s guide will help you walk through all the challenges that you face once you bring your twins home. From knowing how to best care for your twins to managing work and family life, this book has got you covered with some best tips and relevant suggestions.
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