Everytime I step out with my twins, I am usually greeted with multiple questions – how do you manage with twins? Do you have a help? How does it feel to raise two together of the same age? Though as a mother I am never out of answers and always have a story tell, I think dads too have a lot to share about parenting. But very rarely do we get to know/read their side of story.
Dads usually have their own take and point of view on different aspects of parenting. And a dad of twins surely has a lot of stories, tips and opinions to share. So I thought why not interview my own husband and bring to you a father’s perspective on raising twins.
Read below what A&A’s dad has to say about his life with twins.
How did you feel when you first got to know that you are expecting twins?
It was a mixed set of emotions. I was very excited on hearing the news but I was nervous as I knew it won’t be an easy journey given all the extra care and precautions we would have to take. But thanks to our families and a wonderful doctor – we had a memorable journey in those 9 months as we waited for A&A to come into this world
How were the initial days with the twins? What. best could you do to support your family?
Initial days were something that I would always remember – the amount of over whelming love, care and pampering the wife and kids received from everyone was unbelievable. We had planned well and staffed our domestic help at home as we anticipated the additional work load. Also our parents were always by our side to constantly guide us on how to look after the twins
What do you like the best about having twins?
Well being a Dad is the most special feeling for a man, multiply that by 2 – that is how I felt . It’s just a very happy feeling you get when you come home from a long day at work – to see my excited twins to greet me at the door everyday. Nothing can beat that.
What do you find the most challenging with your twins?
It’s amazing that how fast kids learn things and how much they pick up / try and imitate what they see. In a way it’s challenging to ensure they always pick up and learn the right things and understand the difference between good and bad
Do you take care of them alone?
Very seldom, I don’t think like my wife I have the creativity, patience or the energy to manage them all by myself. But I try sometimes when my wife has to travel somewhere
How do you like to spend family time with Twins?
Well most times I read them a book, watch a cartoon movie or just goof around with them.
Any advice/tips you would like to share with fellow father of twins?
Well there would be 3 pieces of advise (not in any particular order and certainly not exhaustive)
a) Being a mom is the best and most challenging job in the world. Make sure you provide enough support staff and comfort levels at home so that your spouse can take care of the twins and herself.
b) Your responsibility and expectations from you will not end after point a). It’s a big change for everyone around you so please be more empathetic, understanding and spend more time with your family
c) Enjoy the growing up years of the twins, it’ll be so much fun to see them grow/ learn and do new things. This would never come back, so don’t miss it!
Hope your enjoyed reading this post that revealed a father’s perspective on raising twins. If you have an experience to share or a tip to add, do leave a comment below. Also feel free to share this post with someone who may find it helpful.
This post is a part of#BlogchatterA2Z Challenge on the alphabet ‘F’. You can find all 26 posts on ‘A to Z of Twin Parenting’ under the hashtag #themomsagaswrites on Facebook and Twitter
Loved reading this article!! Happy know know this perspective
Dunno why father’s are relegated to the backseat usually. If they are pushed tot he front they will do their best.All the best with your twins.God Bless Them
Thanks for giving the first hand experience of the fathers
Its the 1st time I’ve seen it from a dads point of view. It made for a good read.