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Silent Beauty – Picture Prompt #BlogALeague


Silent Beauty

When she was born
She never cried
Even the doctor worried
over her survival-
Did she live or die!

She never babbled as a kid
Always completed the given task
Her parents never ever complained
She obediently did what they asked.

Her teacher never scolded her
As she never raised her voice
Her presence in her peers
Was never ever recognised.

She managed her living quietly
In silence she worked and earned
She never questioned or demanded
What her heart desired or yearned.

Silently she gave into her fate
Submerging herself in a mute ocean
Her wings never flapped or fluttered
She never unwrapped her emotions.

She never spoke of her pain
Neither challenged any norm
Her unusual quality made me wonder-
Was she a goddess in human form?

Picture Prompt Interpretation

I see girl trapped in a jar, seeking a ray of hope. It’s a glass jar, looks breakable, but she isn’t able to break. Why? May be she is trapped in a jar of her own silence. All that she needs to break free is to ‘Speak Up’, (if only it was that easy!) . The three men outside are her own fears, societal prejudices and stereotypes – ‘Be soft, you are a woman’, ‘Be Quiet, you are a woman’, ‘Tolerate, you are woman’. The ray of sunshine on her hand is making her look angelic. Confirming to the norms with so many suppressed emotions and not even one question, she is the Silent Beauty.

Picture Credit -Alice Popkorn – longing for freedom via Flickr

Welcome to Blog-A-League – a weekly prompt writing challenge to get your blogs rolling for 2020. Simply choose among the given prompts and write a blog post.

Rules are simple and easy –
  1. Write on any of the two prompts given below.
  2. Use your creativity, your thoughts, and your imagination to write.
  3. No sponsored, guest post.
  4. Link your post in below linky clicking blue button.
  5. Read, comment and engage on as many posts possible.
  6. Use The MANDATORY line to be added at the end of the blog : This post is written for #BlogALeague with RuchiDipikaCharu and Preetjyot.
Here are the two prompts of the week

Prompt 1: Picture Prompt

Silent Beauty

Credit: Alice Popkorn via Flickr

Prompt 2 : Picture Prompt

Prompt 1

Credit: Burst on Unsplash

Once written, add your link here

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gleefulblogger

    Beautiful poem Charu, wonderfully crafted and shares the essence of the prompts so beautifully.

  2. That really goes with the prompt. Its very well written.
    As you are awareI too joined BlogALeague recently. Not being very computer savvy was not aware that writing a Blog for this Prompt has ended.
    But some thought did crop up seeing the same prompt hence I too wrote a blog based on the same prompt here. :
    While posting the link I became aware that this Link Party has expired! 😊😋😇🙂

  3. Do take out time to guide me please:
    How to get the #BlogALeague Prompts in time? Do I need to Subscribe somewhere?

    1. TheMomSagas

      Hi. Thank you for joining us this time. You can subscribe to this blog for future details. We will resume the #BlogALeague next month or so. We shall post about it on social media too (Twitter and Instagram). Shall keep you posted 👍🏻

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