Today’s prompt of Letters of Love Blogathon aka LOL-a-thon is my favorite. It is- ‘Write A Letter to Your Neighbor or Friend’. So I take this opportunity to write a letter to my childhood bestie who has always been with me in my thick and thin.
My Dear Bestie – Swati
I know this letter of mine will bring a big smile on your face. Guess, writing it makes me smile too. Much as u wanted, finally I am addressing a letter to you. Finally, I am dedicating an entire blog post to you (All right, I’ll take your thank you! ).
It’s funny that the idea of writing a letter to you never struck me before. And even more so because when I read this prompt you were the first person who came to my mind whom I could address this letter. Probably, I just needed an opportunity to share with you a few things which I think I have never told you before. So here I am writing my heart out to you today.
Let me start by confessing something. We know each other since last fourteen years but if some one asks me where and how we met, I don’t exactly remember the same. (I am sure even you don’t remember it! But guess, I confessed it first). We used to go to the same tuition class and that’s what connected us. But I don’t remember any incident from our first meeting or our first conversation. I don’t remember the day or the occasion or the situation. And it’s strange because that’s one moment I so want to remember and be thankful for.
I have learnt a lot from you. (Yes, you read it right, I have LEARNT a lot from you). I never mentioned this before but you have inspired me in many ways. I have never seen someone as self-motivated as you. The way you beat all odds in your life and keep going at every step is super inspiring. Someone like me always needs an external motivation to continue with the goals I have planned for myself but you are one who doesn’t require that. When you decide on something you are always charged up and internally motivated to do so. That’s something super inspiring and worth learning.
Do you also know you are one of the best counselors and advisors I have met? You have given me some of the best advises that have helped me to take a few major decisions of my life (I won’t share all the details but you know the decisions that I am talking about). The perplexed and confused soul I am, you are among those few people who can literally convince me to do anything. Your words have a lot of affect on my mind. And so I always rely upon you when ever I need to seek any suggestion or advice.
I am quite grateful for the fact that you have always been there on all the special occasions of my life, especially when I needed you the most. You have been like a rock, always providing me strength. And I also know that I haven’t been the same for you. I wasn’t with you on the two major occasions of your life when you needed your friend the most. Trust me, I regret it too, much as you do! But you know it well enough that even if I wasn’t with you physically, my heart was there cheering and supporting you always.
We have some wonderful memories of the past and I thoroughly miss those days when we used to spend hours together studying, gossiping and chit-chatting. The long sessions of evening walks, the customary weekend visit to the momos corner, celebrating our special occasions at Yo China – I miss all that and much more. (We are definitely going to do some of this again when I am visiting Delhi next). From solving the problems of accountancy (remember you used to teach me accounts? ) to solving the problems of each other’s life- we have come a long way together. And I am happy that we stood the test of time and our friendship has emerged victorious in spite of all the ups and down.
A lot has changed in our world since then. We have moved to different cities and have different responsibilities in life. We may not get to talk that often but whenever we do, we always pick up from where we left last and that’s the beauty of our bond. As much I cherish this bitter-sweet bond of our friendship, I hope that our kids (especially Aarohi & Yogya) carry the legacy ahead and enjoy the same beautiful bond as we do. (They are yet to meet each other and am super excited for the day I will introduce A&A to Yogya.. Hopefully soon !)
There is a lot more that I want to write here but I will reserve it for the next time. (Guess, if ever I participate in another blogathon with similar prompt, I should have something new to write). For now, I will end here by just telling you that you are and will always be my Bestie. You have proved yourself to be the perfect sink/basin (remember we used to call each other by that name?) of my life in these past fourteen years and you shall continue to be the same. Thank you for being my strength, my confidant and my most cherished friend.
Lots of Love
Your Bestie
This post is a part of the Letters of Love Blogathon aka ‘LOL-a-thon’ organised by ‘The Momsteins’. I would like to thank Lohitha for introducing me in this chain. Do read her wonderful post on her blog SomeBeautifulSmiles. I would like to introduce my fellow blogger Anupriya from MommyTincture. Head onto her page to read her take on the similar prompt.
Also read my post on Prompt 2 of this Blogathon- A Letter To My Second Eyes-My Spectacles
What is that one thing you would want to share with your Bestie? Leave your views in the comments below .
Can’t believe Charu, you actually wrote this one ?
I’m super excited after reading yet speechless about the beautification of your thoughts.
Your letter as given me a prolonged smile that will sure hurt my cheeks anytime now.
I love you too dear bestie and thank you for making me feel so special.
Special moments with our friends can’t be replaced with anyone else. Loved your 14 years together ❤☺