Wondering what to pack in a diaper bag? Read our Diaper bag checklist that’s simplified as per categories and would make it easy for you to pack your bag quickly (without missing out on any essential).
Post motherhood, one thing that becomes your constant (every time you step out of your house) is the Diaper Bag. It’s your new best friend and an inseparable part of all your travels. Packing a diaper bag, however, is tricky. You want to pack in everything that you feel you would require yet you don’t want it to become too heavy.
In my initial days, I would either miss out putting in the essential stuff or put in a lot making it no less than a knapsack. It is true that a well-stocked diaper bag can make your day, but an over-stocked one only makes it messy. So you got to be a bit organized and plan things as per the age of your child, the place you are going to visit and the number of hours you will spend outside.
And it becomes much easier when you think in terms of categories. At least this works for me! I try to sort all the baby essentials in terms of broad categories and then mentally walk through the items I would require in each category. That ways it’s easy to remember, pack and cross-check.
Sharing here the diaper bag checklist with all the essential stuff sorted categorically to make it easy for you to refer and plan.
Diaper Bag Checklist
Diaper Essentials
1.Diapers- You will need one for every two hours, so keep as many you require depending upon the number of hours you are out. I prefer using Pampers disposable diapers when out, but if you only use cloth diapers, try keeping a few extra.
2. Wipes – Look for a gentle and travel-friendly pack that stays moist for long. I use Mother Sparsh baby wipes which are water-based, unscented and easy to carry everywhere. These wipes are a multitask-er as can be used for wiping face or cleaning hands or changing diapers.
3. Changing pad/quick dry sheet- Most good diaper bags contain one but usually are small in size. So I prefer keeping an extra medium-sized dry sheet.
4. Baby cream/Rash Cream – Just in case you use any baby cream or bottom cream (especially while changing diapers) keep a travel size pack of the same.
5. Empty sacks/disposable bags – Useful to dispose off a lot of things (apart from the soiled diapers).
Feeding Essentials
1.Food /Snacks for kids- For young kids, pumped milk or formula (if you use). For toddlers some dry snacks or finger food as per their liking. Even if going to a short distance, always carry food because hunger can strike kids anywhere and everywhere (experience says!) And yes, donot forget to carry some water.
2. Burp clothes/Tissues/Napkins – Keep as many you think you usually require and then keep a few extra.
3. Hand sanitizer – A must! You need it to sanitize their hands or your hands before changing or feeding them.
Medical Essentials
1 Medicines – I always keep a crocin/paracetamol in bag for contingency. If there are some regular meds that you give to your child, do keep a spare pack of the same in the diaper bag.
2. Band Aids- Especially for toddlers, because even the slightest mark on the skin can be a scratch that needs to be treated asap. And not just for kids, could be useful for you too. (Did you hear- shoebite?)
Clothing Essentials
1.Extra pair of clothes for kids – Needless to say why! I keep one extra pair for both the kids (which includes top/tees, bottoms, undershirts and even socks). If traveling long distance or for full day, then the number increases to 2 each.
2. Extra pair of clothes for yourself – Because mom’s shirt is the best place for throw-ups or blow outs.
3. Covering Sheets/Light Blankets – It’s a must, no matter what’s the season or weather. They are always useful- be it to deal with the unexpected winds or shade the baby from sun or put them to sleep.
Entertainment Essential
1.Toys- Rattles or musical toys for infants, small board games or soft toys for toddlers. Basically whatever is your child’s favourite, just throw it in the bag.
2. Books/Crayon/Coloring sheets- Especially when traveling long distance because we all know that a child’s attention span won’t last more than 10 minutes. So more (the stuff to entertain), the merrier!
You covered all the essential items. I do the same. It is handy when you keep your diaper bag ready otherwise in the last minutes we definitely miss some.very helpful post.
This is a very comprehensive list. I’ll share it ahead with my friends.
These are some awesome tips for every newborns mommy. Very informative! I am saving the post for future reference
This is something we all need to keep reminding our self. These essentials are needed and for sure to be carried in the bag all the time. Great list Charu.
that is a comprehensive list of diaper essentials. i wish i had this list when i was expecting my first one in 2009
This is perfect checklist when my kids were small I always make sure to keep at least two sets of clothes and wipes … thanks for this will share with friends
Diaper bags are very important especially while travelling. This is a good list of diaper bag essentials. Keeping toys handy always works with cranky kids.
I think this is a very good and comprehensive list. The only thing I would add is a spare bag to dispose off used diapers.
This is such a vital list buddy, very significant for a new mom undoubtedly
You have absolutely nailed this list. Essentiala such as diapers changing mats and wipea are most important followed by food items and milk bottle
That’s a perfect list of diaper bag essentials and a very helpful one for new moms. Even though my son is a toddler now, I never step out of the house without a pack of wipes, these come so handy.
This is a nice list. I always had lots of wet wipes and lotion in my son’s diaper bag because you never know when you wil need them
You covered all the important stuffs which will be very helpful to the new mothers… Thanks for sharing
This is a very helpful list for moms-to-be and new moms or every mom in general. You have covered the necessary stuffs.
Its going to help all the moms. A good list infact. When we are planning to go outside, such tips will help a lot.
Nice list of product