Did you know the toys, which are a child’s best-friend, are not mere playthings? They are the major tools that can help your child acquire new skills.
Early years are the building years of the child’s life. They are marked by a stage of exploration that involves learning by doing. Whether it is playing with basic objects lying at home or with specific learning toys available in the store, play features very highly in every child’s vocabulary. Hence it’s relevant to involve kids in activities that not just entertain them but also help in their overall development.
As a new parent, one of the biggest struggles I faced in those early days was to devise different ways through which I could keep my children engaged. And I think most new moms would resonate with this struggle. Kids have a short concentration span and so it requires a lot of creative thinking on part of the parents to involve them in such activities that grab their attention for long and also help in their development process.
Something that saved my sanity and helped me majorly in this regard are the learning toys. Learning toys are a great source of fun and education. They are also a convenient option that is readily available. Investing in learning toys doesn’t go waste as they mostly have positive outcomes.
Benefits Of Learning Toys
The benefits children derive from learning toys are innumerable. Apart from grasping their attention for long they help in-
- Cultivating their cognitive and physical skills.
- Improving memory retention, hand-eye coordination and motor skills
- Developing their social skills. Concept of sharing, taking turns, leadership, etc can be instilled through toys.
- Strengthening the emotional self of the child by instilling in him confidence and curiosity.
- Improving family bonding time.
Choosing The Right Learning Toy
Since toys hold a great value in the formative years of a child’s life, choosing the ‘right toy’ is all the more relevant. And believe me, this is nothing less than a struggle again. Market today offers a plethora of options for toys. Initially when I used to go to a toy store, I would get overwhelmed seeing the variety that’s available at each counter. As much I would get tempted to buy everything, I would also get confused thinking which is the right choice for my kids. Zeroing down on one particular product would always involve a great amount of research.
Gradually I could understand a few factors that I can consider while shopping for good learning toys. Here are some of them-
1. Age of children– Choosing the age appropriate toys is the most important step. Most good toy manufacturing companies always mention the recommended age on the box. This helps in selection process because it takes into account the utility, value, and skill level attained at that particular age.
2. Their interest and likings– Each child has individual interests and preferences. Toys that are in line with childrens’ liking and abilities hold their attention for long and also lead to more positive outcomes.
3. Educational Value– Each age marks a different set of milestone and skill development for the child. Engaging in toys that’s specific to a particular skill, only facilitates in attaining of those skills. I always try to choose a toy that could help my children take the next step in their development.
4. Safety and Durability – Everytime I pick up a toy, I carefully examine it. The ones that have sharp edges, extra accessories like buttons, beads, etc that can be easily swallowed are usually out of my list. I mostly prefer wooden toys that don’t involve non-toxic plastic material. The ones I feel would not last long or do not serve an extended use are again out of my consideration.
5. Level of complexity– A toy that is too complex for the child’s developmental level would not serve its purpose. The child would end up getting frustrated and stop engaging. The playability of the toy determines its appropriateness. My kids love those toys which they can easily master as it boosts their self esteem.
Selecting the right toy becomes easy when the above mentioned basis are kept in mind. Companies like Skola and a few more do consider these factors while designing toys for young kids. Making the task of the parents easy, they offer a range of toys that are developmentally appropriate and serve great educational value.
My twins are currently twenty months old and at a stage when they are acquiring different cognitive and fine motor skills. I offer them toys that make them learn new concepts like shape fitters, animal puzzles, alphabet sorters. They also enjoy playing with bat-ball, building blocks, wooden board games, nesting cups, etc that help develop their hand-eye coordination. With the help of these toys, I see them learning something new each day.
Toys play a vital role in the overall development of the child. Apart from being a source of fun and entertainment, they are tools that can enhance their learning and shape their growing up process. Hope this article helps you in choosing the right learning toy for your child.
Featured Image Courtesy: pixabay.com
Disclaimer : This is a sponsored post. However, the views and opinions expressed are of the author alone.
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As a parent I so agree with your post – a learning is fun when it is done differently and more enjoyable way. Love and agree with all the points you mentioned here.
Thank you.
Toys are boon for both kids and moms. The kids grow and learn and on the other hand, moms get some me-time. Can you give me any link where I can look for such toys. Your recommendation, pls.
Try Skola toys. They are based on learning grid that help in the developing various skills in kids.
Great write up and very informative for all mums and would be mums out there
Thanks. ?
That’s a great info.. my lil one is 3 months will consider all that you’ve told before buying ?
Thanks. Glad that you find this useful.
A perfect summation of what one needs to keep in mind! Great read!
Thank you ☺️
Now I know why my parents were very picky about the toys! ? Your twins will grow up smart and creative!
Thank you ☺️
I’ve realized that the only things that the kids play with at length are the ones they choose themselves. ? they’ve lasted us longest and have been the most used.
Indeed! I concur.
I completely agree with you about the benefits of learning toys in a child’s overall development. I have struggled a lot while choosing the right toy for my little one. Sometimes it happened that my boy would not touch the age appropriate toy I got for him but loved playing with a toy which was meant for younger or older kids, gradually I came to know about his liking and interests. This is such a useful post for parents who struggle to choose the right toy for their child. It will definitely help them.
Thank you. Glad that you found this post helpful.
Toy plays important part in child learning and yes the points you shared should be kept in mind while selecting toys for kids
Indeed. Thank you.
Learning is definitely fun with toys and the best choice of toys makes it easy to learn
Of course it’s correct that kids can learn a lot of things from their toys. That’s why toys are always according to particular age limit. So we always choose a toy which is best for our kids age and which can enhance their different skills. Nice and informative article.
Thank a lot ☺
I recently read that for children, play is work because they are developing skills while playing. It’s so important to choose the right toys to aid this development
Absolutely agree!
Great article, a must read for parents. Love the way you have mentioned how your toddlers are learning from different games and developing various skills. ?
Indeed. It’s a new learning each day. Thank you.
Totally an informative post for new mothers who ask the questions always what toy to choose for their little one ? Thanks for sharing these lovely suggestions
Thank you. Am glad this helped you.
Thank you for this post Dear. Will be keeping all your suggestions in mind the next time we go to buy a toy for my year old son.
Thanks. Glad you found it helpful.
Very informative post and you’ve explained it so well. Toys indeed play an important role in the child’s development. So it is important to choose the right toys for kids.
Indeed. Thank you.
Toys are every childs friend but as a parent we are responsible to help with suitable toys that help them. Your article is so useful for many parents confused about the type of toys to buy for their children
Thank you. Am glad you found it useful.
This is such an informative post which helps to give us an idea of learning through toys.
This post is really a helpful one for new moms. Thanks for sharing the ideas.
I am alwayz skeptical while buying toys. In the starting months, bought few cute looking light and sound expensive animals, which my Dinosaur boy broke brutally. Lesson learnt, buy sturdy durable toys. Block and stacking cups were great learning. He now loves to stack glasses, bowls, kitchen stuff etc. ?
Loved reading this one as we too are very careful while buying toys especially educational ones for my daughter who will turn two next month
Toys are a child’s best friend. I agree with you on all the points you mentioned. Toys do help kids to develop different skills.
No doubt right toys are important for kids. Toys can really help them learn fast. The article is wonderful.
Thank you. ?
My little one will turn 18 months soon and then I would like to buy some learning based toys for him. Will keep your points in mind. Thanks for sharing.
I never thought of toys in this way .. glad to have come across your blogs that shows new perspective and helps women and mothers
Life without toys is a boring life indeed! I love playing with my kids and try to have a variety of toys. Maybe I go a little overboard, but momlife is definitely fun with a whole lot of playtime ?
Some really good points to keep in mind while selecting toys for toddlers. Puzzles and blocks seem to work the best with Karma. She has different kinds of blocks – shapes, alphabets, numbers etc and they all stack differently. I feel because she loves those so much, she has learned a lot through those. Same goes for puzzles and books.
This is a very informative article for parents confused about buying toys.
That’s a really well written post. This should help all parents make a right choice while selecting toys for their little ones.
My daughter is now 8 years old and she doesn’t play a lot with toys. However when she was a toddler I let her choose by herself. Now we play board games like scrabble and ludo. Also she is more kinesthetic so she is more into sports. She only sits when she paints.
Wonderful detailed post. I absolutely need to buy a toy only if it helps my daughter in learning a new skill or helps encourage any for of development!
Choosing the right learning toys for your kid is very important because the initial years are the building blocks of his life
Creative selection is the paramount here. As its very difficult to engage kids in activities. I see my friends struggle just to feed their kid’s without a smartphone playing rhymes or some other stuff on phone. Once they get used to, its very difficult to make them stop. But by choosing toys carefully which engages them in activities can prevent such addiction to smartphone.
Being a mom, I have always wanted to buy educational toys for my daughter from day 1. And I can’t agree more with you here. Parents should always focus on buying toys which add an educational factor while playing.
Totally agree with you here. Age-appropriate toys are a must for kids. My girl loves building blocks a lit and creates different shapes from it everytime. It also keeps her busy for a long time. Educational toys are a must-have.
Very well written post!
Agree with what you wrote. Children gain maximum of learning upto the age of 5. A thoughtful selection of toys they play with can have great impact on their mental and emotional development.
Great pointers for picking a toy. Toys can be fun and educational too, we just need to pick the right ones.
Great tips. We put so much thought into food and feeding that we forget toys too have a huge impact in the development of our children.
Your insightful article will definitely help me in choosing the right toy for my 3year old kid. It is very important to know how toys can help in development of child .
After all these years reading the benefits of toys for a child I changed my approach. Earlier I was a kind of mom who did not buy much toys for her kids. I loved reading your post. So very well explained and input are well put.
That’s quite an enlightening post for someone like me who didn’t know that toys can be educational too.
That is such an informative post. And I completely agree with it .. Buying toys is not an easy task and when we buy right toys it helps in our child’d growth and development. I have bought a lot of open ended toys for my toddlers (since he was a bay) and I can see that they have helped. Thanks for sharing these tips ..
Neha (Sharing Our Experiences)
I always try n buy only those toys that aid & enhance skills & development in my gals. Very informative post. I am sure this will help a lot of moms struggling to decide what to by for their kids.
Getting rid of gadgets is really important for the overall development of the child and nothing better than toys can do this job. Great post!!
Yes you are right! choosing the right toy so important and it’s a job full of responsibility thank you for sharing such trips
Great post? I totally believe in early learning choosing right toys for kids. You have given some great tips here. Thanks for aharing them?
I think I’ll be prepared to be a good mommy if I read your blogs! You’re such a Godmother to single moms and couples with a new born baby!
Your blog provides extremely useful information to parents. At times we just end up accumulating toys without even realising their true value. It is important to think and choose the right toy for your child.