An Open Letter To My Daughter, Aarohi.
Dear Aarohi,
I can’t believe that you are 4 years old already. As I am sitting to write this letter for you, you are sleeping by my side and am watching how much you have grown in these four years. I can see the whispers of the woman you will be one day. You are smart, strong-headed, bold and confident. You are clear about your choices and know what you want. And as much I feel overwhelmed by this quality right now (because your demands for toys are endless for now), I do appreciate it as I know this will only help you in future. You won’t be a confused and a shy girl like your mom was in her teens, you would rather be an extrovert and an outgoing one, ready to take on the world in her stride. I hope you stay this way and only become better and smarter.
I may not always tell you but I love spending time with you. I call you my drama queen ( you are a big one) and your little antics make my day. The way you call me ‘mother‘ instead of ‘mom’ or ‘mumma’ makes me hug you everytime. And the way you take care of your twin brother, melts my heart. Ofcourse, I can’t ignore your fights ( you two get on my nerves sometimes). But I can see the love behind your ‘nok-jhoks’ and the tears that you shed for each other when taken apart. You love being called ‘Badi Didi‘, and fairly so. You are one minute older than him. But I hope you also stick to it and lend your brother that love and support like a didi all through life, especially whenever he needs it.

Now as you are growing up Aarohi, there are a few things I want you to know and remember for life. Right now, you are in a secured and loved environment. Both me and your dad try to give you the best of comfort and safety. But in a few years, as you would step out of the house to be on your own, you would see the world is very different. It’s tough, harsh and challenging. You’ll have to be really careful in your choice of friends. You will meet all sorts of people. Some will uplift you (treasure them!) and some will pull you down. Just forgive the latter and move on in life. Never let any experience (the good, the bad or the ugly) get on you. Always remember who you are and stick to your values.
Right now, you come across as very expressive of your feelings. You are pretty sure of what you want- be it in terms of clothes, toys or gifts. I hope this clarity in your head remains this way. Do not change yourself for anyone else. Wear what you want, do what you like – with grace and confidence. Take all the criticism in your stride. ( there is no escape from it) but donot let it dim your light. It’s ok if you don’t want to wear high heals or a flashy dress to a party. But if you do, wear it regardless of your height and weight. Please don’t fall victim to the false conventional standards of beauty. Embrace yourself as you are. Trust me you are the most beautiful girl I have come across. And it’s your smile that makes you shine. (not your dress, complexion, height or weight, just your smile that comes straight from the heart). Always remember that!
Also know Aarohi, that life is full of surprises and sometimes you will have to make unexpected choices. Don’t find it too difficult to use the word ‘NO’. It’s not a bad word at all. And using it won’t make you any less than who you are. Make friends with this term and don’t be afraid to use it. If you don’t want to do something, just say No. (Homework for now is an exception here! ) You don’t have to please everyone around you. But at the same time don’t be rude. Be firm but not rude! As I always tell you, you don’t have to be nice all the time, but always be kind. And treat everyone with respect (even while disagreeing with them).
Soon you will be caught up in school, college, studies, work, career. But don’t forget to enjoy the little joys of life. Take time to slow down and enjoy life. Find a hobby, pick a passion, know your talent and do things that give you joy. And while doing that just be grateful to lord for all that you are blessed with in. If there is one thing that you will need to succeed in life (along with your talent and capabilities) is Gratitude. Never forget that and be humble always.
And most importantly Love Yourself. Love yourself like we (your parents) love you. Pay attention to yourself and be who you are on the inside, all the time. Even if you find yourself commiting a mistake, do not worry or panic. Own it up and share with us. We (your mom and dad) will always be your confidants. Even if we scold you, we will still be there for you and lend that hand to pull you out of every difficult situation.
We love you loads and be it for your achievements or failures – you will always find your mom and dad supporting and cheering for you. You will always have our back, less as parents and more as friends.
Your Mom
Welcome to Blog-A-League – a weekly prompt writing challenge to get your blogs rolling for 2020. Simply choose among the given prompts and write a blog post.
Rules are simple and easy –
- Write on any of the two prompts given below.
- Use your creativity, your thoughts, and your imagination to write.
- No sponsored, guest post.
- Link your post in below linky clicking blue button.
- Read, comment and engage on as many posts possible.
- Use The MANDATORY line to be added at the end of the blog : This post is written for #BlogALeague with Ruchi, Dipika, Charu and Preetjyot.
Here are the two prompts of the week
Prompt 1 – Quote Prompt
‘No One Is Perfect, That’s Why Pencils Have Erasers’ – Wolfgang Rieber
Prompt 2 – Theme Prompt (Girl Child Day)
‘ An Open Letter To My Daughter ‘
Once written, add your link here –
Charu this was such a beautiful letter. I was smiling all the while. Aarohi is indeed a charming little girl and I’m sure she will definitely take your advice. Isn’t raising headstrong girls such a delight 😁🤟.
Aarohi, such a confident girl and it is due to the way you raised her. Really she will be happy by reading this after 2 or 3 year and try to preserve her reaction.
As a mom, I can relate to each and every word you have mentioned in this letter. She will cherish this forever.
This is such a beautiful and a heartfelt letter! ❤
Such a beautiful letter to your daughter! I’m sure she will love these words once she grows older.
what a lovely letter. Wish her all the happiness. It must be so much fun growing up with a twin brother.
Lovely letter. Wonderful words of wisdom for your daughter, especially at this age and stage. She is really blessed to have you.
#MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia
Loved reading it. It’s so practical.
I am so amused. One minute older and “badi didi” is so cute.Girls are the light of our lives. And calling you mother is again so like an assertive little girl.
This just feels so warm and genial!
When Aarohi is old enough to read this, she is sure to cherish it. Lovely words, Charu.
What a beautiful heartfelt letter. Kudos to your parenting and I’m sure your munchkin will appreciate this letter in times to come.
I loved your letter to Aarohi 🙂 The best advice I think you gave her is ‘Love Yourself’.
Thanks for writing .
Hi Charu I have been following your motherhood journey on Instagram but never read your blog posts. Thanks to this my friend alexa campaign I landed here.
This post is so honest and somehow reflect my thoughts too. Its so important for our kids to learn what you have written here, all of it. Saying No, gratitude, be who you are!
Thank you for this.
It will be an amazing feeling for Aarohi to read this letter when she becomes an adult. I’m sure you will also find it amazing to go back to this letter years later.
You poured out the feelings of every mother in this letter Charu.
I so loved this letter to a/your daughter.
I got to see glimpses of your daughter, her nature amd how she might grow to be later in life.
I love how you have taken her/us through the different stages in life and shared advises.
Your blog is under my radar now. Thanks to #myfriendalexa. #radhikacharyareads
It’s a beautiful letter charu!! just amazing!
Such a sweet and nice letter…loved it!